Saturday, February 7, 2009

Towering Lighthouse : Follow Your Purpose – Kindling Your Inner Fire

Wisdom from The Monk Who sold His Ferrari by Robin Sharma
Sharing by SSC

The purpose of life is a life of purpose.
Enlighten = know where we are going and what we want out of life – emotionally, physically, materially, spiritually.

Happiness = achievement

Goal setting is the starting point

1. Form a clear mental image of the outcome
2. Create positive pressure to keep us inspired
3. Set a deadline
4. Write down your goals = you cannot hit a target you cannot see.
5. Magic Rule of 21 – perform new habits 21 days in a row

Reflection by JY
Definition: tower or other building with a powerful light at top, erected at the entrance of a port, or at some important point on a coast, to serve as a guide to mariners at night; a pharos.

After reading, my mind saw an influx of thoughts and life principles flooding in; such as a man without a vision, would perish, a man without a vision would go back to his past; if you fail to plan, you plan to fail. A purposeful Life really begins with a life purpose. And this particular chapter clearly defines and expound on this fact.

Another deviation from my train of thoughts leads me to something bigger, beyond myself, beyond all the getting in the pursuit of happiness, hidden sometimes between the alleys of getting ahead in the “Rat Race” or to climb up the corporate ladder so that to be the “Top Dog”, after all, all the “sidetracking” would also transform to a mere beast of the land, a human without a conscious heart – that’s what I meant.

Thus, the purpose of a lighthouse illustration is more than just a “light emitter” but really, one that fits her purpose, to serve as a guide, a safe haven, a place of refuge and comfort to the ones out there, ravage by the storms of life.

Will you be the One, who bother and dares to Make a Difference, One life at a time. Let’s begin today!

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